Battery Tender® lights and what they all mean

A Battery Tender battery charger with changing light indicator.


You just purchased your first (or maybe a new) Battery Tender® battery charger - welcome to the family! Your batteries are sure to thank you.

We know that reading a product manual can be overwhelming or confusing, so learning about the light indicators on Battery Tender battery chargers can prove to be a challenge. We’re breaking it down into easy-to-understand examples so you know exactly what your charger is trying to tell you! Read on to learn about the different types of light indicators you may see from your Battery Tender charger and how to troubleshoot them.

A quick guide to Battery Tender light indicators

Below is a photo that shows what the lights on your Battery Tender charger are trying to tell you. Use this as a quick-hit guide for some of your most common questions!

A snapshot of indicator light operation on a Battery Tender charger.

Flashing red: not charging battery

Solid red: battery charging

Flashing green: battery grater than 80 percent charged

Solid green: monitoring charged battery

FAQs about Battery Tender indicator lights

My battery charger’s lights are flashing from red to green - what do I do?

If the lights on your unit are flashing from red to green, we first recommend double-checking the unit on a known good battery. A good example of this is the battery in your everyday vehicle. If the unit goes through the cycle charge while connected to your everyday vehicle, then we suggest getting the battery that wasn’t working checked out. If the lights still alternate from red to green, there’s a chance that the unit itself is experiencing issues. At this point, we recommend reaching out to the Battery Tender customer service team for assistance.

My charging light has been on for hours and still has not turned green. Is my Battery Tender battery charger broken?

Remember that it takes time to get the voltage in the battery to 14.6 Volts before the light changes to green. It can take up to 72 hours to reach this point, so patience is key here! If your charging light is still on well after the 72 hour period, contact our customer service team for further troubleshooting methods.

HELP! My Battery Tender battery charger is flashing red!

Firstly, don’t panic! There are a few things you can look at to see what the problem may be:

  1. Your connection may be incorrect. Double-check all connections from the unit to the battery.
  2. Check the fuse on the positive cable of the quick disconnect, located about one inch away from the battery.
  3. Check the voltage of the battery. The battery must have at least 3 volts in it for the charger to recognize the battery and go into charge mode.

What does a flashing yellow light mean?

Similarly to the red flashing light, you’ll want check the following three things:

  1. Double-check the connection from the unit to the battery.
  2. Check the fuse on the positive cable of the quick disconnect, located about one inch away from the battery.
  3. Check the voltage of the battery. The battery must have at least 3 Volts in it for the unit to recognize the battery and go into charge mode.

In Conclusion

We know that new technology can be confusing at times. If you have questions about your Battery Tender charger or need any assistance, you can always contact our fantastic customer service team at Additionally, if you have lost the manual for your Battery Tender product, visit the Battery Tender website and look up your product to download its accompanying manual.

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A man hooks his Battery Tender® jump starter to his vehicle's battery.
A man hooks his Battery Tender® jump starter to his vehicle's battery.

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